
Feederism outlets

If you're in a situation where your partner cant or isnt into feederism or if you got no partner at all, what do you do to overcome the urges that come on every once in a while? Is watching stuff online enough for you? Or do you do things like chatting with community members? art? onine feeding? talk on forums/discords, etc.

Just wanted to see how other ppl overcome these things.
7 months

Feederism outlets

If you're in a situation where your partner cant or isnt into feederism or if you got no partner at all, what do you do to overcome the urges that come on every once in a while? Is watching stuff online enough for you? Or do you do things like chatting with community members? art? onine feeding? talk on forums/discords, etc.

Just wanted to see how other ppl overcome these things.

I have a significantly higher libido than my partner. His isn't low. Mine is just very high. I also have kinks he doesn't share. So, when I get the itch, I turn to erotica, fetish games, and spicy videos.
7 months

Feederism outlets

I have a significantly higher libido than my partner. His isn't low. Mine is just very high. I also have kinks he doesn't share. So, when I get the itch, I turn to erotica, fetish games, and spicy videos.

I'm curious about the fetish games you mentioned. It's always seemed to me that all porn games were pretty bad, but granted, the last time I bothered looking, they were mostly on Newgrounds. Are there any games or sites you'd recommend for something actually good?
7 months

Feederism outlets

If you're in a situation where your partner cant or isnt into feederism or if you got no partner at all, what do you do to overcome the urges that come on every once in a while? Is watching stuff online enough for you? Or do you do things like chatting with community members? art? onine feeding? talk on forums/discords, etc.

Just wanted to see how other ppl overcome these things.

I have a significantly higher libido than my partner. His isn't low. Mine is just very high. I also have kinks he doesn't share. So, when I get the itch, I turn to erotica, fetish games, and spicy videos.

erotica would be stories right? And I also didnt really know games were a thing. Only one i know is moo moo manor i think it was called and thats in beta
7 months

Feederism outlets

If you're in a situation where your partner cant or isnt into feederism or if you got no partner at all, what do you do to overcome the urges that come on every once in a while? Is watching stuff online enough for you? Or do you do things like chatting with community members? art? onine feeding? talk on forums/discords, etc.

Just wanted to see how other ppl overcome these things.

This is a great question!

I have found engaging in these websites and discussions on these boards have been really good about absorbing needs for weight related talk and Fat it self.

True stories are really exciting and have become my favorite in the last many years. They are tough to find, being truthful, but are very intriguing to red and dive into.

Reddit and Confessions posts are great, but exactly as above very difficult to find pure truth in, but great nonetheless.

Chat with the same sex seems innocent enough but I wouldn’t dive into chat with opposite sex because that seems to cross the boundaries a bit.

It certainly helps to discuss and talk about like issues regarding weight gain & Fat with others that understand and enjoy the same.
7 months

Feederism outlets

I have a significantly higher libido than my partner. His isn't low. Mine is just very high. I also have kinks he doesn't share. So, when I get the itch, I turn to erotica, fetish games, and spicy videos.

I'm curious about the fetish games you mentioned. It's always seemed to me that all porn games were pretty bad, but granted, the last time I bothered looking, they were mostly on Newgrounds. Are there any games or sites you'd recommend for something actually good?

I usually look through Itchio or DA. That said, some of these games I enjoy as games more than I do for spice.

You can find a lot of free games, so if you don't like something, no harm done.
7 months

Feederism outlets

If you're in a situation where your partner cant or isnt into feederism or if you got no partner at all, what do you do to overcome the urges that come on every once in a while? Is watching stuff online enough for you? Or do you do things like chatting with community members? art? onine feeding? talk on forums/discords, etc.

Just wanted to see how other ppl overcome these things.

I have a significantly higher libido than my partner. His isn't low. Mine is just very high. I also have kinks he doesn't share. So, when I get the itch, I turn to erotica, fetish games, and spicy videos.

erotica would be stories right? And I also didnt really know games were a thing. Only one i know is moo moo manor i think it was called and thats in beta

There's a lot of stuff out there. If you are curious, you can find a lot of things.
7 months

Feederism outlets

If you're in a situation where your partner cant or isnt into feederism or if you got no partner at all, what do you do to overcome the urges that come on every once in a while? Is watching stuff online enough for you? Or do you do things like chatting with community members? art? onine feeding? talk on forums/discords, etc.

Just wanted to see how other ppl overcome these things.

This is a great question!

I have found engaging in these websites and discussions on these boards have been really good about absorbing needs for weight related talk and Fat it self.

True stories are really exciting and have become my favorite in the last many years. They are tough to find, being truthful, but are very intriguing to red and dive into.

Reddit and Confessions posts are great, but exactly as above very difficult to find pure truth in, but great nonetheless.

Chat with the same sex seems innocent enough but I wouldn’t dive into chat with opposite sex because that seems to cross the boundaries a bit.

It certainly helps to discuss and talk about like issues regarding weight gain & Fat with others that understand and enjoy the same.

Ya I can agree with reading stuff on here is pretty good. Wish it was a little more active but it is what it is lol. Speaking of reddit and confessions, is tumblr a place people use to read stuff as well?
When it comes to reading stuff for me I've been enjoying the comics people have been putting out. Feels like there are so many artist out here putting out their own stories.
With the chatting thing, I do wonder how much depth there can be with all this stuff long term but at the same time it is good chatting with people on the same wavelength is us, at least from the little that I've done.
7 months

Feederism outlets

If you're in a situation where your partner cant or isnt into feederism or if you got no partner at all, what do you do to overcome the urges that come on every once in a while? Is watching stuff online enough for you? Or do you do things like chatting with community members? art? onine feeding? talk on forums/discords, etc.

Just wanted to see how other ppl overcome these things.

What I usually do: I have 1-2 days a week to have a "cheat day". In other words I just buy all kinds of food I desire and just spend a whole day with just stuffing myself, enjoying the moment and the aftermath of it.
6 months

Feederism outlets

It depends on your relationship with feederism. For me mine doesn’t typically extend into real life much. Yes i am excited by tales of weight gain. Yes I am excited by muffintops. Yes the opportunity to stuff someone if that was what they wanted or I don’t know it is so oddly specific for me of a headspace for it that feederism for me simply exists as masturbatory material. It’s split from my relationships and what I want from a partner. My boyfriend knows about it. He is perfectly willing to read stories to me or make some up to get me excited if I want or need that. But I do not want him to gain nor do I want to feed him. Also I would be a bit annoyed if he got fat. Like if he did it on purpose. I am very attracted to him in every way. He’s super fit and has abs and all that. Hes an amazing person and all the things I want. So for me I write about feederism. I write stories. I recount memories, fantasies, dreams, people, random annecdotes, I watch porn, i read it, I get off to it. I am more comfortable with that. I told him that one wrong word, or my mindset changing during him trying to tell me a story about it, would make me shut down. It would leave me embarrassed and feeling guilty for asking him to participate in something he isn’t into. And yeah he said that there is no reason to feel that way. He said he would be happy and turned on cause of my enjoyment. Anyway for me it exists as a separate part of my sexuality. And I am way more comfortable with that. I have been a feeder before and it made me wildly uncomfortable and it felt like someone had violated my privacy. So yeah it’s whatever works for you. I made this choice on my own because of my relationship with this fetish. Human sexuality is interesting like that.
6 months
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